A key strategic goal for us is to provide hospitality and assistance to merchants, residents, and visitors in downtown South Bend.
Ambassadors are available as an information source, for safety patrols and escorts, motorist assists and more from 7:30 a.m. - 11:00 p.m.
CALL 574-400-3949

Downtown Ambassadors are hired locally and trained to accomplish the following:
Assist merchants, residents, and visitors downtown.
Offer maps, brochures, and directions.
Speak with business owners to learn their issues and concerns.
Provide information and opportunities through DTSB.
Discourage panhandling and promote safety.
Report code violations, damage, or hazards to city departments.
Plant and maintain 250+ flower baskets and 3,000+ flowers in 150+ beds.
Install hundreds of flags, banners, and seasonal decorations.
Downtown Deliveries go out every Thursday. If we receive them by noon on a Thursday they will go out unless we have more than 10 deliveries. At that point, we will push the flyers with the latest dates for next week’s delivery.
Ambassadors wear many hats and will only be doing them once per week in the afternoon for 2-4 hours.
We take the flyers to the businesses, it is up to them to hang them.
The ambassadors fill out a form that tells you where they dropped them off. (Contact kreaves@blockbyblock.com for that document)
We have around 150 places on our list for delivery, this number changes often. We can’t always hit them all; sometimes, they are not open or available to take deliveries. It is recommended not to give us more than 100 copies.
For now Western Ave deliveries are first come, first serve. In the summer months, we prioritize cleaning and caring for flowers. There are only about 30 businesses to deliver to for now, so they usually get delivered in the next few days after receipt. If we get an influx of deliveries for distribution on Western Ave, we will follow the same rules as downtown deliveries. This market is largely a Hispanic community and distributions that are bilingual are encouraged.